Kim.Mingle.Mixed Media.12x12-inches.4:2011.jpg
Cha.Memento Mori.Oil and Cloth on Canvas.20x20inches.04-10 copy.jpg
Dehmlow.Clown.Pen on Paper.9x12in.12-10.jpg
Cha.After Franz Kline3.Oil on Canvas.40x48inches.02-07.jpg
Cha.Alphabet's C.Pen&Ink and Digital Art on Paper.12x15.5inches.04-08.jpg
Cha.Paper to Feather.Graphite on Paper.(3)10x6inches.11-07.jpg
Cha.Strawberry Murder.Pen and Watercolor on Paper.11x18inches.03-10 copy.jpg
Dehmlow.A Self Made.. Man?.Pen & Marker on Paper.18x8 in.08-09.jpg
Dehmlow.Cloudy Mind.Pen on Paper.10.5x10in.01-10.jpg
Dackiw.SnowStormBikes.pencilonpaper.2011 copy.jpg
Dackiw.timekeeper.latexoncanvas.26x40inch.2009 copy.jpg
Cha.Snowglobe.Graphite on Paper.8x12inches.01-10 copy.jpg
Dehmlow.A Day of Class.Pen and Marker on Paper.11x9in.11-10.jpg
Cha.Falling.Graphite on Paper.12x22inches.12-10.jpg
Dehmlow.I Love Potatoes.Pen & watercolor on Paper.15x11in.01-10.jpg
Durand.WaterDroplets.OilPaintOnCanvas.18x12in.Nov2010 copy.jpg
Dehmlow.Torment.Pencil on Paper.24x18 in.10-08.jpg
Dehmlow.MIT.Pen on Paper.11x9in.04-10.jpg
Foraker.Bark.pen & watercolor & marker on paper.15 x 22-inches.1-2011.jpg
Foote.Superhero Portraiture.Marker and Pencil on Paper.18x24-inches.May-2010-copy copy.jpg
Foraker.Grass.pen on paper.22 x 28-inches.12-2010.jpg
Foraker.Pineapple.watercolor & pen & colored pencil on paper.6.5 x 3.5-inches.4-2011jpg.jpg
Foote.Untitled.Pen on Paper.12x12-inches.April-2011 copy.jpg
Forrester. Abstract Study. Wax. 8 x 10. November 2010 copy.jpg
Foraker.Shell.pen &watercolor on paper.7 x 10-inches.1-2011.jpg
Jeon.Cracks.Mixed Media. 36x24-inches.12-2010.jpg
Forrester. Storm. Oil on Gessoboard. 12 x 12. April 2011 copy.jpg
Jeon.Korea.Pen and ink on paper.30x24-inches.5-2009.jpg
Jeon.Market Alley.Pen and ink on paper.14.5x20-inches.5:2011.jpg
Foraker.Wheatgrass.pen & ink.12 x 12-inches.4-2011jpg.jpg
Kim.Change-detail.Mixed Media.44x30-inches.4:2011.jpg
Maybank.BlueCircle.OilonCanvas.48x48-inches.1:2011.APVersion copy.jpg
Kim.Daydream.Mixed Media.24x18-inches.11:2010.jpg
Kim.Inhibition.Mixed Media.20x30-inches.01:2011.jpg
Kim.White.Mixed Media.27x34-inches.12-2010.jpg
Kim.Change.Mixed Media.48x48-inches.4-2011.jpg
Maybank.AceofSpades.18x26-inches.10:2009 copy.jpg
Maybank.Galaxy.Encaustic Paint.32x40.12:2010 copy.jpg
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Ro.But All I Saw Were Trains.Mixed Media on Canvas.72x28in.February2010.jpg
Stoner.Encaustic 4.Encaustic on Clayboard.10 inch radius. 1-10 copy.jpg
Ro.Crane 1.Monotype Print.18x24in.July2009.jpg
Ro.Give A Little.Mixed Media on Paper.26 x 19in.May2010.jpg
Ro.Outstretched.Mixed Media on Canvas.12x30in.February2010.jpg
Vivado.Life.acrylic.22''x36''.March 2010 copy.jpg
Ryan. Little Creatures. Pen and Watercolor. 12%22 x 13%22. 03-10 copy.jpg
Ryan. Pen and Watercolor. 9 x 11 inches copy.jpg
Stoner.Encaustic 3-1.Encaustic on Clayboard.18x24 inches.3-10 copy.JPG
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Ro.Crane 2.Origami Sculpture.July2009.jpg
Stoner.Leaves.Encaustic on Clayboard.19x15 inches.11-09 copy.jpg
Xu. Swine Flu Epidemic among Combination Locks. Pencil on Paper. 9x12 inches. 04-07.jpg
Xu. Dazzled. Encaustic Wax on Claybord. 12x13 inches. 11-09.jpg
Vivado.Life2.acrylic.22''x36''.March 2010.jpg
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Devon Whalen - SWINGING, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 36 inches, 2019.jpg
Hannah Hachanovitch - Squeeeeze the woman outta you!, graphite on paper, 18%22 x 24%22, 2017.jpg
Dianne Cao - Truth of Human Construction, Digital Inkjet Print:Procreate , 25'' x 40'', 2024.jpg
Maya Geyling - Displacement and Balance, oil paint on wood, 20-by-20 inches, 2019.jpg
Lucy Landau - Weak, tempera paint on canvas, 34 by 48 inches, 2017.jpg
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